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Are you actively listening to your child?


Are you actively listening to your child?

Like every relationship, parenting, too, is a two-way street. As much as you enjoy offering your child support and guidance, you must listen to them and learn what they have to say.

But, 'listening' doesn't mean that it only happens over an active conversation. Listening also means you learn from any indicator your child might show, including body language, sudden changes in mood, etc.

How do you go about this?

  • Give your child quality time: Your child often feels something in the nick of the moment and ignores it or gets over it without seeking help. So, the more time you spend focusing on your child, the better your chances of listening to them and knowing if something might be bothering them.

  • Don't shun their ideas: Children constantly ask questions, wonder, and share seemingly insane ideas. As they say, no question is a dumb question, and the same goes for an idea. They're just curious. So, instead of shunning their ideas - listen and tell them more about how to evolve them.

  • Ask questions: Listening essentially begins with asking the right questions. Be involved in your child's life and know what they're up to. It's easy for them to get entangled in confusing thoughts and ideas - so be there for them to help them sort things out.

So, are you listening to your child? What do you do to listen to your child?

Share your experiences and learnings with other parents here.

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